Letter to President Biden

September 4, 2021
House 277 Street 63
Sector E-11/3
Islamabad, Pakistan 44000
President Joe Biden
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
I write to you today as an honest patriotic US citizen and federal 9/11 whistleblower whose rights as such have been denied. Please refer to the attached correspondence for details.
As you know, one week from today marks the 20th anniversary of the greatest crime ever committed on American soil in its history, a crime that has never been criminally investigated. The United States government continues to ignore pleas from around the world to initiate a true investigation into these crimes against humanity.
I was a pilot my entire working career, first as a civilian, then as a 10-year US naval aviator, and finally as a 25-year commercial pilot at United Airlines. Over the course of a 35-year career, I flew 15 different aircraft accruing over 20,000 flight hours. In December 2003, I was illegally terminated from United Airlines as a B-777 captain in violation of RICO laws for speaking out about issues concerning 9/11. (See attached affidavit).
My subsequently filed FAA whistleblower report and correspondence regarding this matter were ignored/stonewalled by the Departments of Transportation, Justice, and Homeland Security for over 5 years before closing my case without interviewing a single witness nor reviewing my solid criminal evidence.
I currently serve as director and international public spokesperson for a global grassroots effort called “9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers” whose website is at 911pilots.org and whose purpose is to show that there were no Muslim hijackers at the controls of the 9/11 aircraft but that they were electronically hijacked through employment of a system called the uninterruptible autopilot that enables a remote source to take complete control of the aircraft autopilot and flight management computer and fly the aircraft to its target destination. Once engaged, the pilots cannot disconnect this system.
In August 2020, I filed an extensive FAA whistleblower report on behalf of our organization via the FAA Hotline asserting the above and providing them with evidence and pilot expert witness testimony to back our assertions.
Initially, the FAA was receptive to this information and opened a communication channel for me with a point-of-contact Paul Siegmund, an FAA aeronautical engineer in the Seattle office, that same month. Subsequent to this, the FAA spent the past 12 months stonewalling, deceiving, and outright lying to our organization until last month when Jeff Duven, FAA Director of Safety, recommended that our case be closed while advising me that the FAA would not be responding to any further correspondence from me. Without expounding, please refer to the attached correspondence for details.
Having previously been stonewalled for five years by this agency of the federal government, their current attitude and behavior toward me regarding my filed whistleblower report is totally unsatisfactory and will not be tolerated by me.
I have lived in Islamabad, Pakistan the past eleven years where I currently reside with my Muslim Pakistani wife. Recently, I sent the attached joint letter to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi advising them of my presence in Islamabad with an offer to provide the Pakistan government with the same evidence and testimony offered to the FAA for their perusal.
It is a shame that I have to resort to such extreme measures in an attempt to have a foreign government investigate our claims. If the US government, who was given a chance to investigate our assertions, will not do so, what recourse does one have?
In December 2009, I converted to Islam when marrying my Pakistani wife. Since 9/11, Islam and Muslims have been trampled upon for a crime that Muslims did not commit. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been slandered, the Quran desecrated, Islam demonized, and Muslims worldwide persecuted based on the lies of 9/11. As a Muslim, I am at once personally saddened and incensed by these facts.
As a result of Pakistan’s forced participation in the farcical so-called “War on Terror”, this country has suffered a greater loss of life due to terrorism, (70,000), than any country in the world. Additionally, a relatively poor country, Pakistan, as a result of this participation, has spent over $150-billion, monies that could have been spent repairing the tattered economy.
Our organization is certain that the Pakistan government and 200-million Muslim Pakistani population will warmly embrace our assertion that “there were no Muslim hijackers at the controls of the 9/11 aircraft” once this fact is proven and made public here. Don’t you?
Captain Dan Hanley (retired)
Director – 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers
Encl: Affidavit of Daniel William Hanley
Letter to FAA Administrator Steven Dickson
Letter to DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Joint letter to PM Imran Khan/FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi
Joint letter to DNI, DOT Secretary, AG, and FBI Director
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan
Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi
DOT Inspector General Eric Soskin
DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg
FAA Administrator Steven Dickson
FAA Director of Safety Jeff Duven
FAA Hotline Personnel
Members 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers