Letter to DOT Inspector General
September 24, 2021
House 277 Street 63
Sector E-11/3
Islamabad, Pakistan 44000
Mr. Eric J. Soskin – Inspector General
Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20590
Dear Mr. Soskin,
I write to your good office today to express our serious concerns regarding the fraudulent investigation of FAA Hotline Report S20200617032 that was submitted by me in August 2020.
I am having to resort to writing to your office for assistance and answers as numerous letters and emails previously sent to the Secretary of Transportation, the FAA administrator, and others have gone unanswered the past twelve months. Kindly refer to the attached letters for amplifying information.
For twelve months, the FAA attempted to stonewall our efforts, deceive us, and outright lie to us regarding the investigation into our allegations that the 9/11 aircraft were remotely controlled via the uninterruptible autopilot system. Please refer to our website at 911pilots.org for additional information. Repeated requests to provide me with a single point-of-contact within the FAA for me to discuss the details of our case were ignored.
In the end, as you will learn after reviewing the attached correspondence, a Freedom of Information Act request of all records pertaining to this supposed investigation was made by me. With the exception of the attached memorandum drafted by Jeff Duven that was riddled with untrue statements and other false data, there were no records, which indicates that the investigation never took place.
According to the DOT IG website:
OIG’s mission is to detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse in the Department programs and misconduct by Department personnel.
Members of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers contend that numerous individuals within the Department of Transportation and, in particular, the Federal Aviation Administration are guilty of fraud, abuse, and misconduct in the performance of their duties in this fraudulent investigation. Their apparent attempt to thwart an investigation into the most serious crime ever committed on American soil in its history borderlines on misprision of a felony if not of treason.
It is hoped that your office will thoroughly investigate our claims of misconduct within the Transportation Department and get back to me. I live in Islamabad, Pakistan and may be reached at captaindanhanley@gmail.com or (92) 300-555-0644.
Our case will not be trivialized nor will I be marginalized.
Very respectfully,
Captain Dan Hanley
Director – 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers
Encl: February 26, 2021 letter to FAA Administrator Dickson
March 17, 2021 joint letter to DOT Secretary Buttigieg
June 22, 2021 second joint letter to DOT Secretary Buttigieg
August 16, 2021 letter to DOT Secretary Buttigieg
September 4, 2021 letter to President Biden
Undated memorandum to Chief Investigator Barbara Barnet
Scott Harding, DOT IG Chief Complaint Office
FAA Hotline Team
Barbara Barnet
Jeff Duven
Members of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers
To date, there has been no response to this letter by DOT IG Soskin’s office.